DIGITAL HYPE boosting the development of Mexican technology

Software development has become one of the most important disciplines today and is advancing by leaps and bounds. The consumption of software products by society is increasing, and the need to provide solutions to everyday problems with technology is becoming essential. Aguascalientes is not an exception to this trend, and in our entity, we have many companies such as DIGITAL HYPE that are responsible for developing the software to provide solutions to the digital challenges of their customers.
“I was studying mechatronics at the Tecnológico de Monterrey and halfway through my degree, I started working in an incubator during that time I was more related to the topic of software, high-impact entrepreneurship and the development of digital products. My dream was always to support and develop Mexican technology. I began to realize that many people came to that incubator with ideas for mobile applications; however, most of the ideas were only on paper and could not land” said Clemente González (CEO).
Thinking of giving service to all entrepreneurs who do not have a technical partner to prototype their ideas, since entrepreneurs rarely have the resources to develop their idea, we started the company Triolabs, expecting to offer development capabilities to companies.
The company is in charge of software development, which means that it can make websites, platforms for administration and process control, mobile application development providers, online stores, software architecture, database management, among others. As a result, they can offer high-quality solutions to their clients.
DigitalHype has specialized in cloud engineering solutions, which is preparing the data engineering needed to develop artificial intelligence applications using the computing power available in the cloud, they have also focused on e-commerce platforms, hotel platforms, data science, and big data.
The 3 main axes on which Digital Hype focuses are
- Having quality specialized talent.
- Competitive rates.
- A relationship of trust and in the long term, that the relationship is not one of client-supplier, but of a business partner.
The CEO of Digital Hype said that at the beginning it was difficult, since he had to incorporate people even more experienced than him, and when he opened the company they started with a program for recent graduates of careers related to information technology and with that drive and talent the company was gaining strength.
Nowadays, the company is in a process of maturation, and they are focusing on exporting services; from having customers only in the local market a couple of years ago, now they serve in the international market their main market is the United States, supporting healthcare companies that use cutting edge cloud computing technologies, language development tools, platforms, and data science analysis. One of the accreditations that the company has is the CMMI Dev 2 (Capability Maturity Model), and it is a member of the AWS “amazon web services” Partner Network.
“Our objective is to continue growing and to obtain a better positioning in the international market” commented Clemente Gonzalez.